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Enhancing Security with People Analytics: Unusual Activities

Luisa Brown

With the rise of cyber threats and internal risks, traditional security measures are no longer sufficient. Enter people analytics—a powerful tool that leverages data to detect unusual activities that may indicate security breaches or other risks. By analyzing patterns in employee behavior, organizations can identify and mitigate potential threats before they escalate. In this blog, we’ll explore how people analytics can be used to enhance security by detecting anomalous activities.

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What is People Analytics?

People analytics is the practice of collecting and analyzing data about employees to improve business outcomes. It involves the use of advanced data analysis techniques, including machine learning and artificial intelligence, to uncover patterns, trends, and insights related to workforce behavior. While people analytics is often used for HR purposes, such as improving employee engagement or optimizing workforce performance, its application in security is gaining traction.

Key Components of People Analytics:

  • Data Collection: Gathering data from various sources, such as access logs, communication tools, and employee activities.

  • Data Analysis: Utilizing algorithms and statistical models to identify patterns and correlations.

  • Predictive Modeling: Forecasting potential security threats based on historical data.

  • Reporting & Visualization: Presenting data in a format that is easy to understand and act upon.

How People Analytics Detects Anomalous Activities

Detecting anomalous activities involves identifying behaviors that deviate from the norm. These deviations could signal potential security threats, such as unauthorized access, data breaches, or even insider threats. Here’s how people analytics can help:

1. Monitoring Access Patterns

People analytics tools can monitor access to sensitive data or systems. By analyzing access logs, the system can detect unusual patterns, such as an employee accessing data outside of normal working hours or attempting to access restricted areas. If an anomaly is detected, it can trigger an alert for further investigation.

2. Analyzing Communication Trends

Abnormal communication patterns, such as an employee suddenly communicating with external parties or sharing sensitive information, can be indicative of security risks. People analytics can track these interactions and flag any deviations from typical behavior.

3. Behavioral Analysis

People analytics systems can build behavioral profiles for employees based on their typical actions, such as login times, locations, and tasks performed. If an employee's behavior suddenly changes—such as accessing files they don’t usually work with—it could be a sign of malicious intent or a compromised account.

4. Insider Threat Detection

One of the most significant challenges in security is detecting insider threats. These are risks posed by employees or other internal personnel who misuse their access to harm the organization. People analytics can help by continuously monitoring employee behavior and comparing it against baseline norms. Sudden changes, such as a normally low-risk employee downloading large amounts of data, can be flagged for review.

5. Predictive Threat Analysis

By analyzing historical data, people analytics can predict potential security threats. For example, if certain behaviors often precede a security breach, the system can identify these patterns and alert security teams before an incident occurs.

Benefits of Using People Analytics for Security

Proactive Threat Detection

Unlike traditional security measures that often react to threats after they occur, people analytics enables proactive detection. By identifying potential risks early, organizations can take preventive actions, reducing the likelihood of a breach.

Improved Accuracy

People analytics enhances the accuracy of threat detection by leveraging data-driven insights. This reduces the number of false positives and ensures that security teams focus on genuine threats.

Comprehensive Monitoring

With people analytics, organizations can monitor a wide range of activities and behaviors, providing a comprehensive view of potential security risks. This holistic approach ensures that no threat goes unnoticed.

Cost Efficiency

By preventing security breaches before they happen, organizations can avoid the costly consequences of data loss, legal liabilities, and reputational damage.

Challenges and Considerations

While people analytics offers significant benefits for security, there are also challenges to consider. These include:

  • Data Privacy: Collecting and analyzing employee data raises privacy concerns. Organizations must ensure that their use of people analytics complies with legal and ethical standards.

  • False Positives: While people analytics can improve accuracy, there is still a risk of false positives. Continuous refinement of algorithms is necessary to reduce these instances.

  • Employee Trust: Employees may feel uncomfortable with the idea of their activities being monitored. It’s crucial for organizations to communicate the purpose of people analytics and ensure transparency.


People analytics is a powerful tool for enhancing security by detecting anomalous activities that could indicate potential threats. By leveraging data-driven insights, organizations can proactively identify and mitigate risks, ensuring a safer and more secure environment for their operations. However, it’s essential to balance the benefits of people analytics with considerations for privacy, accuracy, and employee trust.


1. What is people analytics in security?

People analytics in security involves using data analysis techniques to monitor and analyze employee behavior to detect potential security threats, such as unauthorized access or insider threats.

2. How does people analytics detect anomalous activities?

People analytics detects anomalous activities by analyzing patterns in employee behavior, such as access logs, communication trends, and behavioral changes. Any deviations from the norm can be flagged for further investigation.

3. What are the benefits of using people analytics for security?

The benefits include proactive threat detection, improved accuracy, comprehensive monitoring, and cost efficiency by preventing breaches before they occur.

4. What are the challenges of implementing people analytics in security?

Challenges include data privacy concerns, the risk of false positives, and the need to maintain employee trust by ensuring transparency in monitoring activities.

5. Can people analytics predict security threats?

Yes, by analyzing historical data, people analytics can predict potential security threats and alert security teams to take preventive measures.


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